
samantha b.

About me: 

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, I graduated from UT Austin and began my career in book publishing in 2021 (so if you ever need book recommendations, I’m your girl). I’ve always been passionate about fitness, and found [solidcore] as an outlet to challenge and connect with myself in new ways. I love getting to bring joy, enthusiasm, and optimism into all aspects of my life, and I can’t wait to encourage others under the blue lights!

Favorite [solidcore] exercise:

Platform Lunge and Supine Bicep Curls

Guilty Pleasure:

Any gluten-free baked goods I can get my hands on!

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:

When I’m not reading for fun or work, I’m visiting one of Austin’s many coffee shops, hanging out with friends, cooking or baking a new recipe I found online, and planning my next vacation or adventure

Zodiac Sign:


Instagram handle:


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