
julia g.

About Me: 
I was born and raised in East Texas and recently moved to Austin after graduating from Baylor in 2022. I instantly fell in love with the city, and solidcore quickly became my escape as I was going through so many changes. Fitness has always been a major part of my lifestyle, and I’ve always dreamt of being a fitness coach. It feels like all my dreams are coming true, and I couldn’t be happier!
Favorite [solidcore] exercise:
Platform lunge and standing inner thighs (shakes go HARD)
Guilty Pleasure:
Oline shopping and overpriced coffee oops!
Outside of [solidcore]: 
I work full-time at a startup social media marketing agency and I LOVE IT! When I’m not working, I’m hanging out with friends, walking the Lady Bird Lake trail, or watching reality tv with my roomies!
Zodiac sign:

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