
elena k.


About me: My friends would describe me as a really funny person that can be super weird. I have a big heart and love working in group fitness. I moved to NYC over 15 years ago from Holliston Massachusetts, I grew up on a farm working construction with my father. Anything else you want to know just ask 🙂

Music I love right now:  I love ALL music. But what I can be found playing on replay is Halsey & Maggie Rogers

Guilty pleasure:  New sneakers

Superpower:  My super power is reading minds. I know exactly what you are thinking when taking a session…YES IT’S HARD!

Inner Rockstar: My inner rockstar would be JLO

Favorite move to give you the shakes: Bulgarian Split Squats

you are the only one who can create what your future will be. so here is your reminder to start right now.

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