
annie o.

About me:

Born and raised in Newport Beach, CA, and moved to Austin after graduating from TCU with a degree in Supply Chain Management, Global Buinsess, and a Sales Certificate in 2022. I have always had a passion for positivity, health, wellness, and the every aspect of the fitness community. I am thrilled to embrace the role of a [solidcore] coach, and excited to support clients throughout their own fitness journeys!

Favorite [solidcore] exercise:

Kneeling Inner thighs and Crossover Lunge

Guilty Pleasure:

Dark chocolate and the [solidcore] mints

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:

You can find me on Lady Bird Lake Trail, grabbing a coffee at Foxtrot, trying a new restaurant with friends, or planning my next worldwide adventure!

Zodiac Sign:


Instagram handle:


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