About me: Born and raised New Yorker. Meet me under the blue lights for a Drake-heavy playlist, moves that will keep you on your toes (pun intended), and “mad” shakes to help you create the strongest version of yourself ?
Guilty Pleasure: The Bachelor. And The Bachelorette. Also, Bachelor in Paradise.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Superpower: Riding the subway standing, without holding onto anything or falling over (thank you, [solidcore]!)
Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Plank Crunch + Plank Extension: love a fiery combo!
Outside of [solidcore] you can find me: You can find me working on The Wordle or staving off hanger.
Extra, Extra: Read all about it! Or don’t–come try it!
Instagram handle: @m_adrenaline_