angela c.
About me: 6+ Year Full-Time Fitness Professional from Cleveland, OH. I relocated to Austin in September 2021, found [solidcore] shortly after arriving and was instantly addicted! With a plethora of past experience coaching a variety of formats including megaformer, versaclimber, cycling and circuit training, I love bringing energy, enthusiasm and extreme motivation to the masses in my classes. A big believer that a poppin’ playlist and plenty of positivity are serious staples to succeeding under the blue lights!
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Total tie between Kneeling Lat Row (upper) + Standing Inner Thighs (lower)
Outside of [solidcore] you can find me: I have the best “side gig” ever house and pet-sitting for lots of furry faces in the Hills of Texas while their families travel; I literally get paid to play with the most precious pups! I am always chasing the incredible colors of the sunset, enjoy spending pretty much all my time outdoors in nature and am passionate about my faith!
Instagram handle: @ang_ellaellaella_a
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